Wednesday, June 27, 2007


This picture is a part of this post, really, only because I like it. These rocks have nothing to do with anything specific.
I do, however, have a question. It is this -
Now, don't be 12 and say, "Because." And don't think about it from a 4 year old perspective when they go months on end with this as their default response to anything you say to them.
You may be thinking, "Why, what!?" You tell me. That is exactly the point. You figure it out.
Seriously, for the next day, or three, let this rattle around in your head. Ask it to yourself often. Here's the thing, though...think about it. I mean, really think about it. Try to answer the question. Seriously.
Kick it around. You may actually learn something about yourself. Share, if you dare.
More to come...

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